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Columbia Theological Seminary

The psalmist and the solar eclipse

Seeing the “diamond ring” is the holy grail of amateur astronomers: that moment in a total solar eclipse when the edge of the sun’s corona bursts forth with a sparkling burst of light at one point while the rest of the rim is illuminated like a ring. I had no chance of seeing that where I was, located many miles away from the path of totality. All I saw was a solar “croissant.” But I did consider the experience holy.

PC(USA) webinar focuses on challenges faced by Roma population

In the aftermath of Monday’s International Roma Day, which commemorates Europe’s largest ethnic minority and Romani culture, nearly 50 participants joined a Zoom webinar Thursday afternoon to learn more about the Roma community, including facing challenges such as widespread discrimination in housing, education, employment, and health outcomes —particularly for its children.

The psalmist and the solar eclipse

Seeing the “diamond ring” is the holy grail of amateur astronomers: that moment in a total solar eclipse when the edge of the sun’s corona bursts forth with a sparkling burst of light at one point while the rest of the rim is illuminated like a ring. I had no chance of seeing that where I was, located many miles away from the path of totality. All I saw was a solar “croissant.” But I did consider the experience holy.