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Advocacy & Social Justice

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance meets with ecumenical partners in Lebanon

Since the Syrian Civil War began in March 2011, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has been responding to the needs of affected communities in Syria and Lebanon. Working in conjunction with ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together), members and ecumenical partners have been providing relief to refugees in neighboring countries and to internally displaced Syrians.

Pennsylvania church inspired by peacemaker visits

While state and national government leaders debate on the acceptance of refugee families, Weisiger says it didn’t take long for her church and five others to begin work to resettle families in their community. Community connections were made as a result of peacemaker visits that have enabled the church to continue engaging in the work of peacemaking in their own backyard. The Peacemaking Program connected the church not just to the wider church, but to refugee resettlement agencies and interfaith organizations engaged in peacemaking in the heart of Philadelphia.

PC(USA) communications groups garner 17 Associated Church Press awards

Communications groups within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) were honored for their contributions to religious communications in 2015 with 17 “Best of the Christian Press” awards spanning a variety of topics and media. The awards were presented at the 100th anniversary gathering of the Associated Church Press, meting in St. Louis – the city in which it was founded – April 20-22.

Founder/President of Children’s Defense Fund urges churches to be there for children in need

The best way to disrupt the cradle to prison pipeline is to be an advocate for children in need. That was the message from Marian Wright Edelman to attendees at last weekend’s Ecumenical Advocacy Days gathering in Washington, D.C. The founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund says this country’s priorities about wealth and where those dollars should go are not in line with helping those living in poverty.

Growing Food and Friendships in Haiti

Mission trip and new roundtable conversations lead to transformation By Cindy Corell | PC(USA) Mission Co-worker in Haiti and a former journalist Our group of six Americans and a couple… Read more »

Ecumenical Advocacy Days policy plenary defines messages for advocates

The first full day of Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) kicked off Saturday morning with a plenary session titled “Racism, Class & Power.” The two-hour session outlined two key issues that advocates would go to Capitol Hill on Monday to discuss with their state representatives: voting rights, specifically the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act and corporate domination, or opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.

More than 200 Presbyterians take part in CPJ Training Day

A record number of Presbyterians gathered at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church last week to talk about some serious issues facing the U.S. and the church. But organizers behind Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day say that’s what makes these annual gatherings so important to church members.