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Hudson River Approves Resolution

Hudson River Presbytery Approves Resolution to Officially Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) By Rev. Pamela Lupfer, Hudson River Presbytery Members of a coalition of labor, faith, environmental and community… Read more »

Seeds: Symbols of freedom and self-governance

By Rev. Thomas John, Companionship Facilitator, Chethana, JH India Students look over native seeds on display at the Seed Mela (Seed Festival) in Mysore. Photos courtesy of Thomas John.  Agriculture… Read more »

The Call for Agrarian Reform in Haiti Grows

By Cindy Corell, Companionship Facilitator, Haiti Madame St. Etienne holding two oranges outside her home in Trou du Nord. Since losing the property with her family’s garden and fruit trees,… Read more »