This page contains general resources for Matthew 25 including worship, videos, graphics, powerpoints and more. There are also links in the contents below to each of the foci pages. Those foci pages have background information, faith grounding, suggested resources for that specific foci, as well as who to contact for more information. On those foci pages, the curated resources for that topic are broken down into resources that can help guide your interaction with the foci in worship, learning, relationships, action and sharing.
Bible Study, Lectionary and Worship Resources
Bulletin Inserts
Recent Online Matthew 25 Events
Matthew 25 Graphics You Can Use
Matthew 25 Powerpoints You Can Use
Go to the foci pages to find background information and curated resources specifically for each foci:
Building Congregational Vitality Resources
Dismantling Structural Racism Resources
Eradicating Systemic Poverty Resources
Eradicating Systemic Poverty Sunday Resources (Year A/Year B/Year C)
Climate Change
Gender Justice/Heteropatriarchy
Matthew 25 Brochure
A quick overview of Matthew 25 and what it means to become a Matthew 25 church.
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Quick Sheets for Children
Engaging Children in Matthew 25
Stewardship through a Matthew 25 Lens
Engaging Matthew 25 as a Congregation – Resource Roadmap
Pay It Forward Challenge
Weaving Matthew 25 through Children’s, Youth, Intergenerational, and Faith-at-Home Ministries
Matthew 25 Youth Resources
New! Four new youth resources based on Matthew 25 are now available: a group study guide, a recreation guide, a worship and prayer guide and an event planning guide. All 4 resources are available in English & in Spanish. “When Did We See You?” resources are professionally written and beautifully designed to help YOU create a program that fits your community’s needs. Includes info on how to use each guide, supply lists, planning suggestions and more!
A Year with Matt 25 Podcast
10-min weekly podcast connecting Sunday lectionary readings with the Matthew 25 vision. For personal reflection or worship preparation. Visit:
Worship Resources for Eradicating Systemic Poverty Sunday
Christ the King / Reign of Christ (November 20-26) Year A/Year B/Year C
A Guide to Engaging in Matthew 25 Resources and Studies
This guide is intended to invite you into this gospel work by identifying the entry points that you might consider for your faith community and to give some suggestions for the resources and studies that are available.
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Matthew 25 Bible Study — Introduction
An introduction to the Scripture underlying the Matthew 25 vision for prayer and reflection. This Bible Study is ideal for groups or individual study.
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Worship in a Matthew 25 Church
An adaptable worship service that you can use for discernment or celebration.
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Bringing Matthew 25 Into Focus
Are the three foci of the Matthew 25 Vision grounded in Matthew 25:31–46? That question has regularly been asked as people become familiar with the Matthew 25 Vision and its three foci. Consider using this resource as mid council leaders, pastors and staff, session elders and other leaders that will be introducing the Matthew 25 invitation to faith communities.
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God with Us in Jesus: A Matthew 25 Bible Study
This study takes a deeper dive into the Scripture and explores the full Gospel of Matthew with a special focus on Matthew 25. Consider using this study as a follow-up to Bringing Matthew 25 into Focus with your church leaders and as a starting point for your full faith community as they begin to engage in the invitation of Matthew 25.
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Matthew 25 Bible Study — The Gospel and Inclusivity
This study focuses on the fundamental connection between the vitality of our congregations and the work of dismantling racism. This Bible Study can be done alone but could have greater impact when done in a group.
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Graphics you can use:
“We are a Matthew 25 Church” oval badge
Matthew 25 Logo — Horizontal with shadows
Matthew 25 Logo — Vertical with shadow
Matthew 25 Logo — Horizontal without shadow
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Matthew 25 Facebook Cover English | Spanish | Korean
Matthew 25 Twitter Cover English | Spanish | Korean
Matthew 25 Presbytery Facebook Cover English | Spanish | Korean
Matthew 25 Presbytery Twitter Cover English | Spanish | Korean
Matthew 25 Yard Sign English | Spanish | Korean
Created by PC(USA) national staff, these 4 powerpoint templates are offered as tools for you to learn and also to share with others about the Matthew 25 vision. They include theological underpinnings and an overall introduction. You may use the slides with permission and adapt them as needed for your context.
Overall Matthew 25 Presentation
Theological Insights for Building Congregational Vitality
Theological Insights for Dismantling Structural Racism
Theological Insights for Eradicating Systemic Poverty