Build up the body of Christ. Support the Pentecost Offering.


E862706 AIDS Crisis Overseas

Gifts support church and community-based programs that address poverty, behavior and other root causes of AIDS transmission. Programs include skills training, education, income-generating activities and behavior formation and change. A… Read more »

E050212 Living Waters For The World

Living Waters for the World (LWW), a mission resource of the Synod of Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (USA), trains and equips mission teams to share the gift of… Read more »

E047954 – Russia Church Twinning Project

The Russia Church twinning project links PC(USA) congregations with Russian Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Reformed and other congregations across the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The relationships strengthen the… Read more »

H400303 – World Hunger and Development Assistance

Gifts will support the alleviation of world hunger and hunger-related development assistance programs and projects. We shall encourage those programs that combat hunger through integrated development and empowerment of people… Read more »

E048549 – Kargel & Badaeker School

The Kargel and Baedeker School, St Petersburg, is one of only two Christian schools in a metropolis of 4.5 million. The school was founded by and is directed by Garth… Read more »

H999999 – Hunger, General

Your financial support enables the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to bring hope to communities and individuals struggling with hunger. By providing… Read more »

E049075 – Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program

Young Adult Volunteers experience a year of developing Christian community through spiritual formation, mission service, and mission learning. Funds are used for programmatic support and to directly support volunteers with… Read more »