At the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) national conference, titled “Savoring the Journey,” keynote speaker Dr. John Holton spent his evenings looking at the sky.
In his opening sermon at the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) national conference, the Rev. Robert Watkins told attendees at Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center that we in the church and culture — which is consumed with self — have forgotten how to live with and talk to each other.
The 2018 Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network national conference, titled “Savoring the Journey,” begins today at the Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center.
Mound Ridge Retreat and Mission Center, Inc.executive director Christy Foster knew the end was coming. She says God placed it on her heart soon after she arrived at the Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center in the Missouri Ozark countryside. Mound Ridge like many of the churches it served was going through a transformation.
I arrived at Ferncliff late at night, eager to hear of the camp and conference center’s new exploits but exhausted from the journey. I settled down to sleep not knowing that the comfortable mattress was my first introduction to Ferncliff’s Sharing the Goods ministry partnership with Good360.
In what is believed to be a first for a camp and conference center in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Zephyr Point on Lake Tahoe held a five-night healing and learning retreat for a group of homeless persons, physically and developmentally disabled people, and “at risk” young adults.
“What’s working now?” “What’s in the future?” If you’ve found yourself asking those questions, you’re in good company. Leaders from camp and conference ministries in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recently grappled with those questions at the Heartland Center, a PC(USA) camp and conference center only 20 minutes north of Kansas City International Airport.
Sunday morning worship in Montreat’s Anderson Auditorium is a highlight for many in the Montreat community and greater Swannanoa valley. Every effort is made for these services to model innovative, creative, and new ways to worship and gather in God’s name. Recognizing the talents and service outreach represented within this mountain community, it is a time to celebrate together and hear God’s word from noted preachers and educators across denominational and geographic lines.
As the world tilts towards chaos and we stare down global uncertainty, it is not the mighty armies that make that make me feel safe. Nor does the knowledge coming out of universities bring me peace. Instead, I take solace in the fact that at this very moment, summer camps are preparing to open for business.
Fifty people have been treated for injuries after a second story deck collapsed Saturday afternoon at Glacier Presbyterian Camp on the west shore of Flathead Lake, 100 miles north of Missoula, Montana. Six of the injured were airlifted to hospitals in the region.