The hybrid event on May 15-17 launches the Overbrook Conversation Series
by Stony Point Center | Special to Presbyterian News Service

The Allison Overbrook House is a landmark at Stony Point Center (Photo by Brian and Ingerline Frick)
On May 15-17, Stony Point Center is hosting a Housing Crisis Symposium both in-person and online supporting the eradicating systemic poverty focus of the Matthew 25 movement. Registration is encouraged by May 8.
The event is structured over three days in order to take a deep dive into the question: “What is really driving the national housing crisis and what tools can help us address it?” The symposium is designed to be the first of an annual conversation around the housing crisis and one of several ongoing dialogues on social justice issues affecting congregations and communities nationwide.
It is part of a new series of Overbrook Conversation Series which was created by Stony Point Center.
“Stony Point Center is embarking on an ongoing conversation around social justice challenges we are calling the ‘Overbrook Conversation Series.’ Anchored by the Allison Overbrook House, these in-person and online retreats and conversations are designed to continue to flow and evolve over time,” said Brian Frick, director of Camp and Retreat Ministries at the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Frick further described the image that inspired the series: “A brook is a meandering stream that moves with time, and so will our meetings and conversations. We’re building a model of engagement based on the premise that one-time events don’t solve systemic problems, but long-term engagement in generative learning conversations can equip a network for action.”
The Overbook Conversations will begin with the Symposium on the Housing Crisis and will continue to grow and revisit various social justice challenges as time goes by.
Space is limited, so register here before May 8 for in-person and online options. For more information, contact Frick here.
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