Following General Assembly action last summer, focus groups are being formed to allow thoughts to be shared in detail
by Jashalund Royston, Research Services | Special to Presbyterian News Service

Photo by Thought Catalog via Unsplash
Last year, the 225th General Assembly approved overture RGJ-13, sponsored by the Advocating for Black Girls and Women Task Force. Overture RGJ-13 stems from a report from the “Disparities Experienced by Black Women and Girls” Task Force Report. This report highlights ways Black women and girls have historically and still experience interpersonal and institutional violence within society broadly and within the church.
In collaboration with the Advocating for Black Women and Girls Task Force, Research Services is conducting a study, mandated by the General Assembly, on the disparity experiences of Black women, girls, and gender nonconformists within the denomination and in everyday life. This work addresses the varied concerns about the direct and indirect violence perpetrated against Black women, girls, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and genderqueer persons.
A survey questionnaire is offered to all who would like to participate in sharing their voice. In addition to the survey, Research Services is conducting focus groups, allowing members to share their thoughts in detail. While all are invited to participate, there is an emphasis on the participation of Presbyterian Black women and gender non-conformist, including Black clergywomen and Black gender non-conforming clergy. The voices of Black women, girls, and gender non-conforming deserve to be uplifted and are critical to the strength of this research.
If you would like to take part in this research or know someone who would like their voice heard regarding this topic, please use this link to take and/or share the survey. Or contact Jashalund Royston ( to be a part of a focus group or to request a one-on-one interview.
Research Services would like to thank you for sharing your voice on this topic. Results of this study will be shared with the 226th General Assembly in July 2024.
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