Biblical Witness to Peacemaking
Basic Peacemaking Program resources
Worship, prayer, and devotional resources
Dealing with conflict and tough issues
Individuals, children, and families
The church and the public arena
Peacemaking in the international arena
Mister Rogers Resources
Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of word and sacrament for the PC(USA) and is a notable public figure whose work around peace and reconciliation are worth remembering. Rogers was also a pioneer in the world of Christian education and formation of young children. March 20th was his birthday and the day that the PC(USA) has chosen to highlight all we can learn from his work. Check out all of the ideas and resources that have been compiled for faith communities to engage in this emphasis day. View all resources.
This booklet describes the process for building a neighborhood out of boxes and other everyday household supplies. It is an activity for all ages and all kinds of families working together. The Neighborhood Build is based on Fred Rogers’ ideas about relationships, creative play, pride in making things, family communication, and community. Download.

Peacemaking in the Family by Mr. Rogers—Four Intergenerational Events for Your Church, by Fred Rogers and Barbara Marsh, Second Edition Adapted by Vickie Dieth
Newly updated version of the original Peacemaking in the Family resource includes 4 sessions for intergenerational events. The sessions are 1. Families and Feelings 2. Living in Families and Growing as Individuals 3. Families and Hard Times 4. Families and Celebrations. Download.

Five Peacemaking Affirmations
These five affirmations celebrate and build upon the foundational document “Peacemaking the Believers’ Calling,” that initiated the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and the annual Peace and Global Witness Offering. Download.
Biblical Witness to Peacemaking
Use this year-long resource to study peacemaking themes in Scripture. Download.
General Assembly statements
Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling—This is the 1980 foundational document that called for a church-wide peacemaking emphasis. PDS: OGA-88-047; $1.50. Download.
Christian Obedience in a Nuclear Age—This 1988 policy considers Christian obedience in a nuclear age through questions of applying criteria of the just war doctrine to nuclear war, nonviolence as a means of social justice, tax resistance, the morality of deterrence and more. Download for free at
Basic Peacemaking Program resources
Ways to Engage in Peacemaking—This pamphlet interprets the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and provides an overview of 11 ways to engage in P-E-A-C-E-M-A-K-I-N-G. It is suitable for display stands and information racks. PDS: 2435812001; FREE.
Commitment to Peacemaking—The Commitment to Peacemaking is a tool by which a session or other group promises to engage in peacemaking. PDS: 24-358-07-016 (English); PDS: 70-270-05-011 (Korean); PDS: 24-358-09-007 (Spanish); FREE.
Renewing the Commitment to Peacemaking: A Guide for Sessions and Congregations—Sessions and congregations may use this resource to review their peacemaking ministries and decide whether and how to recommit to God’s mission of peacemaking. PDS: 24-358-08-009; FREE.
Exploring the Commitment to Peacemaking: Study for Sessions—A one-session study designed for use by sessions or other groups as they consider affirming the Commitment to Peacemaking. PDS: 70-270-04-022 (English); PDS: 70-270-05-013 (Korean); PDS: 70-270-05-008 (Spanish); FREE.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers: A Service of Dedication—A service of dedication designed for congregations to use to celebrate the affirmation or reaffirmation of the Commitment to Peacemaking. PDS: 70-270-04-023 (English); PDS: 70-270-05-012 (Korean); PDS: 70-270-05-007 (Spanish); FREE.
Worship, prayer, and devotional resources
Advent Devotions—This booklet contains daily devotions that focus on peacemaking during the Advent season. PDS: coming soon; $0.40.
Justice and Peace Shall Kiss: Praying through the Year—This resource contains prayers or other liturgical elements for days on the Presbyterian Planning Calendar that have a concern for peace and justice. PDS: 24-358-09-001; $3.00
Sacraments and Seasons: Peacemaking through Worship, III—This booklet provides resources that span the church year and some secular days. PDS: 70-270-01-011; $4.95.
Peacemaking Through Worship I—This material for a loose-leaf notebook contains liturgies, readings, quotes, hymns, poems, and sermons on peacemaking themes. PDS: 259-89-905; $4.95.
Bible studies
Resurrection Living: Journeying with the Nonviolent Christ—This journal resource is designed to help individuals or groups explore the theology and ethics of nonviolence and ways to practice nonviolence. It invites users to engage in prayerful reflection on Scripture, documents of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and the writings of theologians and practitioners of on violence through the ages. The fifty-two entries may be used individually or in community on a daily or weekly basis. However the journal is used, at its heart is an invitation to ponder, “What does it mean for me to follow the nonviolent Christ today in the place where I live and around God’s World?” PDS: 24-358-10-007; $7.50.
Biblical Basis for Peacemaking—This one-session adult Bible study invites participants to examine the biblical meaning of peace, visions and stories of peace in the Bible, and how the biblical understanding of peace guides our peacemaking ministries. PDS: 24-358-10-001; FREE.
What Is Peacemaking?—This one-session adult Bible study explores the biblical vision of peace and God’s call to us to be peacemakers. PDS: 24-358-07-001; FREE.
Peacemaking Among the Early Followers of Jesus: Is Christianity a Nonviolent Faith?—This adult study is an introduction to the witness to peace and nonviolence found in the New Testament and the writings of the Church Fathers. It is a two-session study that can be easily extended to four or more sessions. PDS: 24-358-07-003; FREE.
Maps for the Journey of Faith and Peacemaking—This one-session adult Bible study invites participants to examine their lives as journeys as peacemakers following Jesus. Participants are encouraged to make a map reflecting their peacemaking journeys and where those journeys are leading them. PDS: 24-358-07-004; FREE.
The Shalom of God in the Midst of Empire—This six-session study on Isaiah considers how we move from participating in and being exploited by patterns that are life-denying and constricting to the life-giving shalom of God. PDS: 70-270-06-001; $5.00.
Whoever Welcomes A Child: An Intergenerational Peacemaking Journey through the Gospel of Matthew—This five-session intergenerational study explores places in Matthew where Jesus relates to children to help us seek wholeness for all children. PDS: 70-270-05-004; $3.00.
Living for A Change-Toward a Culture of Peace—Romans is the basis for this five-session study that invites participants to consider ways to live toward a culture of peace. PDS: 70-270-00-001; FREE.
Eating and Drinking with Jesus: Table Manners for Peacemakers—This five-session study explores Jesus’ inclusive vision of community through biblical stories of his mealtime hospitality. PDS: 70-270-99-001; FREE.
Rebuilding: Peacemaking in Nehemiah—This five-session Bible study investigates the relationship between the call to public service and the call to be faithful to God. PDS: 70-350-96-287; FREE.
Dealing with conflict and tough issues
To Strengthen Christ’s Body: Tools for Talking about Tough Issues—Conflict is a part of life even within the church. This resource identifies and explores concepts and tools that can help us address everyday conflict in ways that may lead us to discover God’s grace and strengthen the body of Christ. PDS: 24-358-08-001; $5.00.
Seeking to be Faithful Together: Guidelines for Presbyterians During Times of Disagreement — The 204th General Assembly (1992) adopted these Guidelines for its own life and provided them as a tool to congregations and other bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to use in times of conflict and disagreement. The Guidelines offer clear, simple suggestions for dealing with differences, transforming them into opportunities for growth, grace and understanding. PDS: 24358-20-002 (English); PDS: 24358-20-003 (Spanish); PDS: 24358-20-004 (Korean). Download.
Seeking to be Faithful Together: Guidelines for Presbyterians During Times of Disagreement (Pocket Guide)—The guidelines are designed to help Presbyterians deal with conflicts. This shorter version of the guidelines captures their essence and is sized to fit into a wallet or pocket. PDS: 24358-20-005 (English); PDS: 24358-20-006 (Spanish); PDS: 24358-20-007 (Korean); $5 for a pack of 25.
Called to Live as God’s People—A Study Guide to the Report of the Task Force to Study Reparations. Download for FREE.
Individuals, children, and families
Presbyterians and Military Service—This booklet explores options related to military service from enlisting to registering with Selective Service to conscientious objection. PDS: 70-270-05-035 (English); PDS: 24-358-07-012 (Spanish) $0.35; $0.15 for ten or more.
Shaken Foundation: A Resource for Young Adults Whose Parents Are Divorcing—The purpose of this book is to support you as you consider your part of your parents’ divorce story, as you ask questions, as you seek wisdom, as you design and live the next chapter of your life. PDS: 1-57153-022-3; $14.95.
For Your Children: Creating Communities of Faith in Our Families—Drawing from the concept that families serve as a small group ministry for the children present, this resource offers tools for pastors and educators as they serve in ministry with these small groups. PDS: 70-270-05-033; $12.95.
Forming Ministries with Families: A Planning Guide for Congregations—This six-section guide is designed to assist in evaluating, visioning, planning, defining, and redefining ministries with the families in the congregation and community. PDS: 70-250-03-209; $9.95.
Following the Leader: Peacemaking with Children in a Violent World—This resource is for adults who work with children. PDS: 70-270-02-011; $2.00.
Building a Culture of Peace Begins with Children—This six-session study, designed for Grades 3-6 but adaptable to a broader age range, looks at ways children can build a culture of peace. PDS: 70-270-00-002; FREE.
Coming Home to the Table—An Intergenerational Peacemaking Resource—This five-session study explores Jesus’ inclusive vision of God’s family through stories of his mealtime hospitality. PDS: 70-270-99-002; FREE.
Peace Knows No Sense: An Intergenerational Study—This creative intergenerational learning experience engages people of different ages in mutual learning about peacemaking. It can be used in a variety of intergenerational settings. PDS: 70270-05-036; $5.00.
Guidelines for Communal Discernment—When Christians gather to make important decision, we are to seek the mind of Christ. A group can better discern the Spirit’s leading when it engages internationally in a process that nurtures community, is rooted in prayer and reflection on Scripture, deepens listening, weighs options, and seeks consensus. These guidelines describe steps and tools for such a process for groups as small as committee and large as an assembly. PDS: 2435808007; $5.00.
Peacemaking in communities
Living the Gospel of Peace: Tools for Building More Inclusive Community—This resource teaches respectful communication guidelines, mutual invitation, community bible study, and power analysis and explores how these tools can build community in the face of racism and other systems that divide us. PDS: 70-270-04-014; $3.00.
Anguished Hearts—This seven-session study explores different facets of abuse: spouse/partner, child, elder, sibling, and other vulnerable people. It also considers dating violence. PDS: 70-270-03-025; $8.00.
Steps Along the Way: Living as Peacemakers in a Violent World—This study explores issues of violence and ways peacemakers might live nonviolently in response. PDS: 70-270-03-011; FREE.
Facing Racism: In Search of the Beloved Community—This five-session study helps youth confront racism and work to build the “beloved community.” PDS: 70-270-98-002; $1.25.
Peacemaking in a Violent World—This resource looks at the phenomenon of violence and examines alternatives offered by our Christian faith. PDS: 70-350-95-289; FREE.
Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit—This resource helps awaken members and worshiping communities to the faith dimensions of this on-going tragedy, and provides initiatives to more effectively address the problem of gun violence. Download at; FREE.
The church and the public arena
Remember to Double Knot Your Shoelaces: A Guide for Running Grassroots Campaigns—This resource advises people who feel called to run for public office prepare a grassroots campaign. PDS: 70-270-97-019; FREE.
Have You Considered Being Actively Involved in the Election Process?—This brochure encourages people of faith to be involved in the electoral process and to consider running for public office. PDS: 70-270-96-005; FREE.
Making a Difference in the Public Arena—This resource suggests that developing a long-term relationship with legislators is an important strategy for making a difference in the public arena. An outline for a training session on public policy advocacy is included. PDS: 259-94-958; $1.95.
The Good Samaritan, Presbyterians, and Public Policy—Using the parable of the Good Samaritan, this resource examines why Christians engage in public policy advocacy. PDS: 259-89-907; FREE.
PCUSA Bearing Witness – The webpage for the PCUSA’s efforts and positions related to the Black Lives Matter movement and racial justice resources. As a Matthew 25 denomination, it is the vision of our church to eradicate white supremacy and dismantle institutionalized racism.
Peacemaking in the international arena
A Prayerful Study of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – The 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (2016) called upon the denomination and its membership to engage in a prayerful study of the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Since its inception in 2005, the call for BDS has become a focal point in the conversation and advocacy efforts relating to the conflict in Israel-Palestine. The conflict in Israel-Palestine, and how we as Presbyterians should respond, has caused deep divisions within our denomination. It is our prayer that this resource will help create constructive conversation across the divide and encourage respect and close consideration of the pleas of the Palestinians who crafted the call. PDS # 24358-22-003; Download
Red Hand Post Card—Use these post cards to send the message that “children are children, not soldiers.” The post cards also provide ideas about how to organize an effort to participate in the Red Hand Campaign to end the use of child soldiers around the world. PDS: 24-354-10-001; Free.
Red Hand Button—Wear a red hand button (3/4”) and say that “children are children, not soldiers” in a campaign to end the use of child soldiers around the world. PDS: 24-358-10-009; Free.
Piece Work/Peace Work: Working Together for Peace and Sudan—This study for elementary children from grades 1 through 6 is divided into four sessions, one intergenerational session and a resource section Through an exploration of situations faced by the children of Sudan, children are led into an understanding of the largest country in Africa and learn also of the many divisions within the country. PDS: 24-358-09-008; $8.00
Africa’s Children: A Church Response to Children’s Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa—This book and study guide reviews models of care existing in sub-Saharan Africa for orphan and vulnerable children and evaluates them in the context of African culture and the realities of limited resources in the face of the AIDS pandemic, poverty, and conflict. Included are discernment questions for congregation or individuals that want to help. PDS: 25-384-07-003; FREE.
AIDS and Peacemaking—This resource explores how responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is the task of peacemakers. PDS: 11-142-07-289; FREE
Cuba: A Resource for Presbyterians—This resource provides historical notes and highlights key issues and ways congregations can be involved with peace and justice concerns in Cuba. PDS: 70-270-04-009; $0.50.
Just Peacemaking Study Guide—This six-session study explores Just Peacemaking and the Call for International Intervention for Humanitarian Rescue, approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998). PDS 70-270-02-024; $4.95.
When God’s People Travel Together: Three Volume Set—Save almost $5.00 by ordering all three volumes of the When God’s People Travel Together series. PDS: 24-358-07-014; $20.00.
When God’s People Travel Together: A Trip Leader’s Planning Manual—This guide considers details for planning a mission trip. It offers suggestions to make the trip an occasion for transformation and renewal in the lives of individuals and congregations. PDS: 70-270-99-009; $9.95.
When God’s People Travel Together: Reflecting and Acting on Mission Trip Experiences—This resource provides methods and tools to help a group process and reflect on trip experiences into their daily life in light of the gospel. Included are prompts for using a journal and post trip follow-up activities. PDS: 70-270-99-022; $9.95.
When God’s People Travel Together: Bible Studies for Mission—This Bible study, for use in preparing for and during a mission trip, addresses issues that mission trip participants often confront. PDS: 74-400-99-083; $4.95.
Making Peace with the earth
The Leaves of the Tree Are for the Healing of the Nations: Exploring Revelations 22:1-5—This one-session adult Bible study uses the Kaleidoscope Bible Study Process designed by Eric H. F. Law. PDS: 24-358-07-002; FREE.
God’s World, Our Home: A Peacemaking Resource For Youth—This five-session study looks at issues of caring for God’s creation and living faithfully in a world experiencing globalization. PDS: 70-270-04-011; $3.00.
Crosses, stickers, and more
Liberian Crosses—In the aftermath of Liberia’s civil war, craftspeople, including former combatants, have been moved by their faith in Christ to transform spent shell casings from small arms into crosses in witness to Christ’s transforming power. PDS: 70-270-03-028; Pack of 5 for $10.00.
Seek Peace and Pursue It Sticker—This 1½” diameter sticker is blue and white, and bears a dove and the message Seek Peace and Pursue It, Psalm 34:14. PDS: 70-270-03-022; 20 for $1.00.
Peacemaking Quilt Notecards—Each set of 20 blank cards (with envelopes) features the quilt designed at the 2001 Peacemaking Conferences. PDS: 70-270-02-027; $12.00.
Table Talk Placemats—Created to assist church families to get to know one another, these 11”x17” placemats are available for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. PDS: 70-250-02-201 (Winter); PDS: 70-250-02-202 (Spring); PDS: 70-250-02-203 (Summer); PDS: 70-250-02-204 (Fall); 200 placemats per pack; $12.00 per pack.
Season of Peace
This 4-week pilgrimage is designed to deepen the pursuit of peace in congregations, small groups, families, and individuals. Developed in 2012, it includes daily peace reflections, family activities, Bible studies, youth activities and an exciting intergenerational Peace Fair. It can be used in the weeks leading up to an offering for peacemaking, or anytime of the year when the congregation wants to focus on peacemaking. Download at; FREE.