Dear Reader:
Welcome to the Second Edition of the Study and Devotional Guide on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I’m so glad you’ve decided to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ways our church, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and our partners are working around the world to create a more just and sustainable future. The SDGs came out of global consultations with governments, civil society institutions and people like you and me. The 17 SDGs with their 169 targets were approved by the governments of the world in September 2015.
As we at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) started examining the Goals and their targets for achievement, we realized that this is work that the Church has been engaged in for centuries. From eradication of hunger and poverty to treating the earth with respect, our church has been working to achieve these Goals since before their existence!
This resource will give you a snapshot into each of the Goals, some of their targets and the way the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and our global partners have been and continue working to achieve this sustainable development agenda. Accompanying each fact sheet are biblical reflections from staff and mission partners reflecting on the goal and examining it through the lens of Matthew 25.
Hearing the voices of our colleagues and mission partners reflecting on sustainable development shows us the depth of spirit and heart that the Church brings into this work.
Each of the SDGs are highlighted here with the work of the PC(USA) and our partners. The online resource contains hyperlinks for more information and our printed resources contains a bibliography with that same information. It is truly remarkable the work our church is doing around the world. I hope you are as excited about these ministries as I am.
I invite you to study and pray with us and push your local and national leaders to focus their work on achieving these Sustainable Development Goals. May God bless our call to serve each other in grace, love and peace.