Our current issue — March/April 2023

The Best of Presbyterians Today issue
As we enter a season of dreaming and discerning what God has ahead for Presbyterians Today, we wanted to look back and celebrate the wonderful people, places and projects we’ve been blessed to share with our readers. Over the past several years, we’ve highlighted what it means to live out our Presbyterian faith and theology. We’ve tackled the impact and hardships of living through Covid, navigated the digital transitions in the church, and offered spiritual practices to keep us grounded and connected to God and one another. This issue celebrates and features the best of those stories.
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To inquire about classified advertising, please email Jacqueline Carter at Jacqueline.Carter@pcusa.org.
For DISPLAY ADVERTISING, please contact:
Mark Thomson at mark.thomson@pcusa.org.
Classified Advertising
Ad Rates: $15.00/line (approximately 100 characters) and $5 fee per image. Email copy to jackie.carter@pcusa.org or call 800-728-7228, ext. 5772. Classifieds appear for two months on the Presbyterians Today website.
Senior Pastor and Head of Staff of Narberth Presbyterian Church, a long established, stable and vibrant ECO Presbyterian church in suburban Philadelphia. We are seeking a Sr. Pastor for our church of about 300 active members that worships in a blended weekly service. This position will lead our church and staff of 13 (full and part-time) employees. We are a warm, relational congregation seeking to build disciples in the love of Jesus Christ by growing up in faith, together in community and out in witness and service. For more information and to apply, visit: Careers at NPC | Narberth Presbyterian Church

FPC PC, Delhi (USA),a financially secure, long established, stable congregation of about 120 members in the western foothills of the Catskill Mtns., seeks a solo pastor or clergy couple to minister to a family and mission oriented, affirming congregation. Details available on PC(USA) CLC site. Please send vita or PDP to PNC, First Presbyterian Church, 4 Clinton Street, Delhi, NY 13753. Or Email to office@fpcdelhi.org. To learn more about visit https://fpcdelhi.org
Solo Pastor Wanted
Join our welcoming community as the solo pastor of Ocean Heights Presbyterian Church. Are you a passionate and dedicated pastor looking for a new opportunity to lead and serve a welcoming, diverse, More Light community? Look no further than Ocean Heights Presbyterian Church. Located in the beautiful coastal town of Egg Harbor Township, NJ, our church is less than 10 miles from Ocean City, NJ. We are seeking a solo pastor to join our congregation and help us continue to grow and thrive. Please visit our website at ohchurch.org. See our MDP at clc.pcusa.org/MDP/10863/view.

God’s House is Calling You
Bethel Presbyterian Church, located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains on beautiful Watts Bar Lake, is seeking a full-time solo pastor. We are an active church focused on serving our community through a variety of ministries. Please review MDP 11011 through the CLC and our website, http://www.bethelpcusa.org.
Interested parties may contact us at bethelpresbyterianchurchpnc@gmail.com.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has several openings for which we are seeking qualified candidates looking for a call working at the national level. The positions include:
Administrative Assistant I
Administrative Services Group
To provide detailed and administrative support to the fulfillment team and Associate Director, Special Offerings.
Finance and Administration Mission Specialist
Presbyterian Mission Agency
The Finance and Administration Mission Specialist will provide financial administration and compliance for the Theology Formation and Evangelism Ministry Area. This position will also support and collaborate with ministry area staff and other departments to meet work role objectives and responsibilities.
Staff Attorney
Administrative Services Group
Minimize or eliminate legal liability to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, which includes the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Administrative Services Group, and the Office of the General Assembly, and clients of the A Corporation, through review, research and analysis of legal issues, formulation of legal advice and preparation of related documents on a wide range of legal topics within the roles and responsibilities set forth below, in an efficient, cost effective manner and with a sense of urgency that supports ministry and mission.
United Nations Advocacy Associate
Presbyterian Mission Agency
The UN Advocacy Associate works under the supervision of the Manager of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations (PMUN) to advance the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly advocacy policies and priorities at the United Nations in New York City. This work is done in collaboration with PC(USA) staff, church and global partners, external advocacy partners including UN agencies, diplomats, staff, and civil society. The Advocacy Associate will provide communications, administrative and logistical support for PMUN programs, educational events, and publications.
Vice President Of Sales & Relationship Management
Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program
Manages the Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program’s sales functions to ensure corporate sales goals for loans and investments are achieved.
Senior Director of Theological Education funds Development
Presbyterian Foundation
The Senior Director for Theological Education Funds Development will lead the successful cultivation of and communication with current and potential financial supporters of our Presbyterian Church (USA) Seminaries through gifts and investments to the Theological Education Fund and Theological Schools Endowment Fund utilizing the products, services, and tools of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation and its affiliates. An effective Senior Director will be an experienced collaborative leader in theological education fundraising, and the PC(USA); able to secure gifts and commitments to theological education in the PC(USA); an established relationship builder and proven communicator, with a cultural competence, corporate and ecclesial acumen, and a contagious passion for theological education in general and PC(USA) Seminaries in particular.
Director of Investment Management
Presbyterian Foundation
The Director of Investment Management will be responsible for developing and maintaining strong relationships with donors, investors, and beneficiaries. More specifically, the relationships include: Investment Committee/Board of the Presbyterian Foundation, Large beneficiaries of the Presbyterian Foundation, Endowment Service Clients, Proxy Voting Provider, Creative Investments (Impact Investments), MRTI (Mission Responsibility Through Investment), Creative Engagement and Social Witness Committee and Signatory of the PRI (Principals of Responsible Investment), and under the direction of the SVP of Investment Management the Director of Investment Management will engage the Foundation’s Outsourced Chief Investment Officer.
Apply online at https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=0027dac3-435c-4a88-b8a6-0b7dffde84b5&ccId=19000101_000001&type=JS&lang=en_US
Our faith in God inspires our commitment to the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and is grounded in scripture, the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and actions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committed to being not only an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer as defined by the U.S. government, but with the inclusion of gender identity and sexual orientation as well.
Candidates from Presbyterian communities in the global south and other historic Presbyterian Communities of Color, preferably with theological training and fluency in languages other than English, are encouraged to apply.
About Presbyterians Today
Presbyterians Today is the award-winning, general-interest magazine of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Published 6 times a year, it explores practical issues of faith and life, tells stories of Presbyterians who are living their faith and covers a wide range of church news and activities. Presbyterians Today features easy-to-understand articles about what Presbyterians believe, Bible study and devotional helps, and provocative commentary on the church’s role in society.
Presbyterians Today continues the mission of denominational magazines dating back to the late 1800s. Among these are its immediate predecessors: Presbyterian Survey, Presbyterian Life and A.D.
Statement of purpose
Presbyterians Today seeks to:
- Report in a fair, accurate and balanced way on the activities of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and of its members, leaders and mission partners.
- Uphold the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Illuminate the faith and heritage that bind Presbyterians together.
- Express the rich diversity within the denomination.
- Challenge readers to grow in their commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord.
- Provide a Christian perspective on contemporary issues.
- Be a source of inspiration, spiritual direction and practical tools for life and ministry.
- Reflect the denomination’s priorities: evangelism, justice, spiritual formation and leadership development.
Presbyterians Today editorial and advertising offices
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Tel. 800-728-7228, ext. 5627 or 502-569-5627
Fax: 502-569-8632
Subscription Services
Presbyterians Today
PO Box 52
Congers, NY 10920
Tel. 800-558-1669
Guidelines for Writers and Photographers
Presbyterians Today, published by the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is a national magazine about Presbyterian mission and ministry. It is published 6 times a year. Most readers are loyal, long-time subscribers. While they vary in age, gender, and geographic location, most readers are married, active in their church and community, affluent and well-educated. About a quarter of PT readers are active clergy; the balance are church members.
Presbyterians Today seeks to
- demonstrate the impact of the activities of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its members, leaders and mission partners, in a fair, accurate and uplifting way
- use easy-to-understand language free from specialized or technical jargon and acronyms
- uphold and advance the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Presbyterian Mission Agency
- use inclusive and expansive language, making use of bias-free and non-paternalistic terms, balancing female and male references and ensuring that language about God reflects the many images of God available to us through Scripture
- illuminate the faith and heritage that bind Presbyterians together
- through words and images, show respect and equality for the rich diversity (theological perspective, race, ethnicity, ancestry, sex, gender, identity, sexual orientation and mental or physical condition) within the PC(USA)
- challenge readers to grow in their commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord
- provide a Christian perspective on contemporary issues
- serve as an inspiration and resource for life and ministry
- reflect the denomination’s vision, mission and priorities
Feature Articles
Presbyterians Today welcomes contributions from freelance writers. Preferred maximum length is approximately 1,500 words.
Appropriate subjects include
- profiles of interesting Presbyterians and of unique activities or mission projects of Presbyterian members or congregations
- issues of current concern to the church
- how individuals and families express their Christian faith in significant ways or relate their faith to the problems of society
Most articles have some direct relevance to a Presbyterian audience, although Presbyterians Today also seeks well-informed articles that can help individuals and families cope with the stresses of daily living from a Christian perspective.
Fiction, poetry, and reprints are rarely used.
Writers should send a query to the editors (by email, preferably) before sending a manuscript. Unsolicited manuscripts received by post will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed.
Authors are asked to submit only one article at a time. Manuscripts sent after the editors approve the subject proposed in a query are read by at least two editors, and a reply is given normally within 60 days after receipt.
Presbyterians Today pays for articles upon acceptance of the manuscript. Contracts specify purchase of all rights, including publication on the web.
Presbyterians Today editorial offices
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Email: editor@pcusa.org
Tel. 800-728-7228, ext. 5627 or 502-569-5627
Fax: 502-569-8632
Guidelines for Writers and Photographers
Presbyterians Today, published by the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is a national magazine about Presbyterian mission and ministry. It is published 6 times a year. Most readers are loyal, long-time subscribers. While they vary in age, gender, and geographic location, most readers are married, active in their church and community, affluent and well-educated. About a quarter of PT readers are active clergy; the balance are church members.
Presbyterians Today seeks to
- demonstrate the impact of the activities of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its members, leaders and mission partners, in a fair, accurate and uplifting way
- use east-to-understand language free from specialized or technical jargon and acronyms
- uphold and advance the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Presbyterian Mission Agency
- use inclusive and expansive language, making use of bias-free and non-paternalistic terms, balancing female and male references and ensuring that language about God reflects the many images of God available to us through Scripture
- illuminate the faith and heritage that bind Presbyterians together
- through words and images, show respect and equality for the rich diversity (theological perspective, race, ethnicity, ancestry, sex, gender, identity, sexual orientation and mental or physical condition) within the PC(USA)
- challenge readers to grow in their commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord
- provide a Christian perspective on contemporary issues
- serve as an inspiration and resource for life and ministry
- reflect the denomination’s vision, mission and priorities
Feature Articles
Presbyterians Today welcomes contributions from freelance writers. Preferred maximum length is approximately 1,500 words.
Appropriate subjects include
- profiles of interesting Presbyterians and of unique activities or mission projects of Presbyterian members or congregations
- issues of current concern to the church
- how individuals and families express their Christian faith in significant ways or relate their faith to the problems of society
Most articles have some direct relevance to a Presbyterian audience, although Presbyterians Today also seeks well-informed articles that can help individuals and families cope with the stresses of daily living from a Christian perspective.
Fiction, poetry, and reprints are rarely used.
Writers should send a query to the editors (by email, preferably) before sending a manuscript. Unsolicited manuscripts received by post will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed.
Authors are asked to submit only one article at a time. Manuscripts sent after the editors approve the subject proposed in a query are read by at least two editors, and a reply is given normally within 60 days after receipt.
Presbyterians Today pays for articles upon acceptance of the manuscript. Contracts specify purchase of all rights, including publication on the web.
Presbyterians Today editorial offices
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Email: editor@pcusa.org
Tel. 800-728-7228, ext. 5627 or 502-569-5627
Fax: 502-569-8632