Ministry Engagement and Support
The Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson, Director
“When I am asked what Presbyterians believe, I often begin with two words — sovereignty and grace. Sovereignty means that God is God, and we are not. Garce means that because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we are accepted by God, through no merit of our own.
Because of God’s grace, we are called to respond with gratitude, not to earn God’s favor, but to say thank you, to respond gratefully to God’s graciousness. We are all stewards of this grace, called to nurture and care for the gifts God so extravagantly shares with us — creation, relationships, time, work, the church, and — yes — money.
Our calling through the good work of Ministry Engagement and Support is to identify the countless ways that Presbyterians are engaged in mission and ministry in our communities and around the world and then…
>Tell the stories
>Make the connections
>Invite generosity
What a privilege and gift it is to be called to this work, and to invite you to share in it.”
Ministry Engagement Advisors
Ministry Engagement Advisors can tell you about the various ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency and Office of the General Assembly, guiding you through ways to engage and support them financially. They can also direct you to resources that will help you engage in other ways.

Lynne Foreman, Northeast region, Synods of the Northeast and Trinity
Lynne Foreman is the ministry engagement advisor for the Northeast region, which includes the synods of the Northeast and Trinity.
“As a lifelong Presbyterian, I am humbled and grateful to serve, work, and give back to the church that has had a major impact on my life and in the lives of so many in my family,” Lynne says.

Sy Hughes, Southeast region, Synods of Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic
Sy Hughes is the ministry engagement advisor for the Southeast region, which includes the synods of the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic.
“My goal is to connect the passion, leadership and excitement of congregations, individuals and presbyteries to the mission and ministries of the wider Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),” Sy says.

The Rev. Lemuel Garcia-Arroyo, Synods of the Sun, Southwest, Mid-America, and Boriquen (Puerto Rico)
“What a joy it is to be able to witness and celebrate the many ways our congregations and mid councils are living into God’s call for us to be a church of action. It makes my job all the more rewarding, and it makes me proud to be Presbyterian!”

The Rev. Jeanie Shaw, Synods of Alaska Northwest, Pacific, and Southern California & Hawaii
“As a Pastor, I have had the privilege of serving congregations across our nation. As a Ministry Engagement Advisor, I now have the joy of witnessing the energy, imagination and love of our Churches as they serve and support ‘the least of these,’ as the hands and heart of Jesus. I am inspired, so deeply inspired, by the mission, justice and love of our Presbyterian Church USA.”

René Myers, Synods of the Rocky Mountains and Lakes & Prairies
René Myers is the ministry engagement advisor for the North region, which includes the synods of Rocky Mountains and Lincoln Trails.
“It is a blessing to connect with people who feel called to make a difference for God’s people throughout the world and share stories of how the Presbyterian Mission Agency partners with our congregations and members to make that difference,” René says.

Lauren Rogers, Synods of Living Waters, Covenant, and Lincoln Trails
“What a joy it is to be able to witness and celebrate the many ways our congregations and mid councils are living into God’s call for us to be a church of action. It makes my job all the more rewarding, and it makes me proud to be Presbyterian!”

Sam Young Kim, Ministry Engagement Advisor, Korean American Congregations
“As a former mid council leader with experience in connecting, supporting and advising Korean congregations,” says Sam, “I seek to bring those same gifts and skills to our Ministry Engagement and Support family toward increasing engagement and building relationships with our churches and presbyteries.”
김삼영, 선교지원국 한인교회 담당자
이전에 한인교회들을 연결하고 지원 및 조언을 준 경험이 있는 중간 공의회 지도자로서
선교 지원국 지원팀 가족들과 함께 그경험과 재능과 은사를 나누며 성실히 교단의 사역과
성장을 이루어 나가기 위하여 교회들과 노회들을 위해 노력하려합니다

The Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee
“It is a privilege to honor God through the work of identifying, supporting, and engaging mission and ministry partners here and abroad. I reference 1 John 1:3 and invite you to fellowship with all who love the Lord and be the change in the world we need.”
Special Offerings

The Rev. Wilson Kennedy, Associate Director for Special Offerings and Appeals
Relationship and Development Operations

Theresa Goodlin, Team Leader for Raiser’s Edge Gift and Data Entry
Theresa leads a team of gift/data entry professionals that processes and acknowledges gifts to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. She serves as the liaison to donors who have questions about their gifts or giving opportunities.