SDOP Mid Council committee (For Synods and Presbyteries)
The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) is a national ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). PCUSA has regional entities which are also called Mid Councils (MC). All congregations in a geographic area belong to a MC known as a Presbytery. All the Presbyteries in a geographic area belong to a MC known as a Synod. All Presbyteries and Synods together make up the General Assembly, or National Presbyterian Church.
SDOP partners with low income Community groups at the National and Local/Mid Council level.
Some presbyteries and synods have Self-Development of People committees, which make grants in their regions within the bounds of their presbytery or synod. These are known as Local/Mid Council SDOP Committees. If there are SDOP committees in the presbytery and synod in which an applicant group is located, the project can simultaneously apply to all three levels (presbytery, synod, and national).
For more information on becoming a certified committee and the certification process navigate the tabs above.
Contact the National office to start the process to become a Certified SDOP Mid Council committee. Email or 1-888-728-7228 x 5792 or 5780.
Join/Start a Synod/Presbytery SDOP Committee
Synod and presbytery forms
Are you a presbytery or synod SDOP committee member? If so, please visit the Information for Regional SDOP Committee Members page (Regional password required) to download necessary forms.

Capital Park Women’s Cooperative funded by Scioto Valley Presbytery SDOP Committee
Project funded by Mid Council
This Sewing Cooperative at Capital Park is comprised of a group of refugee Somali women who are training to become master seamstresses. In addition to repairing clothes, they design, produce and market their uniquely designed bags. Because of limited English, group members have only been able to secure low-paying jobs. This project located in Columbus, Ohio creates opportunities for the women to forge their own path in building economic independence.
“We’ve created some new products and recently took them to a three-day festival in downtown Columbus. We are so grateful for the Presbyterian Committee of the Self-Development of People support! It has truly made a huge difference in the lives of many women! As Somali women say, “Horomaarka Haweenka Soomaliyeed!” We are Somali women moving forward!” – Beth Stock, the group’s director.
The Sewing Cooperative has been supported by a number of organizations including the SDOP Committee in the Presbytery of Scioto Valley.
Mid Council Map
Additional Funders
This list of organizations should be contacted directly for more information regarding their funding standards.