The Gender and Leadership in the PC(USA) report is part of a larger research project assessing the status of women at all levels of the church and conducted in two main research areas: theological and sociological. This study is the sociological portion of the research, and contains two nearly-identical surveys: one representative sample of Presbyterians (Presbyterian Panel) and one convenience sample of leaders within the denomination. In total, 2,871 Presbyterians were surveyed (345 male members, 823 female members, 741 male teaching elders, and 804 female teaching elders).
This research was conducted in partnership with Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Study on the Status of Women Team, created by the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC). The goals of this broader study are to (1) learn more about how women participate in leadership within the PC(USA); (2) gain a keener grasp of what factors support or constrain women’s ministry; and (3) gain deeper insight into the varying experiences of men and women in ministry, including similarities and differences in compensation, career trajectories, and decisions to leave ministry.