“Calling things by the wrong name adds to the affliction of the world.”
— Albert Camus
About the Center for the Repair of Historic Harms
The purpose of our office is to recognize, acknowledge and repair the harm caused to Indigenous peoples, African Americans and other marginalized groups. We aim to set an example by actively engaging in the work of repair within our denomination while also inspiring others worldwide to join us in this vital pursuit. In collaboration with PC(USA) sister agencies and mid councils, the Presbyterian Mission Agency hopes to initiate this denomination-wide effort to inspire repair and reconciliation both within and beyond the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The ultimate goal is growing the number of human beings working to share the Good News that repair and reparations make common sense for the common good as soon as possible and for as long as it takes.
Our Work
What do we mean when we say “reparations”?
- An act (or a series of acts) of a nation-state or a group of states in response to a call.
- Repair is the work of the people.
- Repair must prepare the people to inspire the nation and its leaders to make reparations.
Repair refers to the total process of being transformed from who we have become to who we must be.
Why acknowledge the past?
Addressing historic harms is crucial for several reasons:
- To understand the role the church has played in creating transgenerational harm and perpetuating injustice.
- To acknowledge our complicity and responsibility in past actions and inactions.
- To pave the way for healing, reconciliation and positive change in our communities.
Discussions around historic harms and reparations can be challenging and uncomfortable. However, our focus is not on making people feel guilty but promoting collaboration and finding solutions. We seek to create calm spaces where individuals can embrace their love for humanity and personal honor to contribute positively to the repair process.
Meet Our Director
We are proud to introduce the Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam, a minister, social ethicist, and scholar who has been chosen to lead this transformative endeavor. Rev. Ross-Allam was ordained as a minister by the Presbytery of the Twin Cities in 2013. He served as executive director of 21st Century Academy at Liberty Community Church PC(USA) and Associate Pastor for Social Justice at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church. As a doctoral candidate in Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary, Rev. Ross-Allam brings a wealth of expertise and a passion for reparative ministry to his role as the first director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Center for the Repair of Historic Harms.

The Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam (Photo by Mohammad Mia)
Contact Us
Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam